Sunday, June 12, 2011

i deleted my twitter today..

its weird but in a way i feel free!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

God's smile woke me up this morning..

This morning I woke up to God smiling on me. Not quite sure what He had in store for me ..i just simply let Him lead the way. I worshipped Him and asked Him for an encounter and God met me when I was listening to "let it rain" by Jesus Culture. Man I looove them and the work God has done with them. But anyway God met me... I don't say this like He was somewhere else and we met half way but.. He made His everlasting presence very known at that moment and I cried out from all that was in me. I absolutely love crying in God's presence.. I love being broken so that He can break through me (ed young). Sometimes these tears are tears of joy but other times it's just me feeling overwhelmed by God's presence... because in His presence I feel joy.. peace... and security all at once. It's an amazing feeling.
But anyways, this morning God smiled on me...well at least I thought this specific morning He was smiling.. God does smile on us you know (Numbers 6:24-26) . But I realized as I was typing this that He had been smiling on us each and every his mercies are renewed.. and at each and every minute of the day God's constant demonstration of love is a smile. And in response to that we should delight in our Father whose thoughts about us are countless.( psalms 139:13-18).. We should take pure joy in the thought that He is constantly loving us and go out everyday with confidence in Christ who lives inside of us.
I stumbled across Romans 8:1 and sought to truly understand what it meant to feel no condemnation while living in Christ Jesus .. God revealed to me that I had no true idea of what condemnation really was.. I just kinda guessed it was judgement spelled differently. And surely I was wrong.. So I looked deeper.. I read some commentary and looked up a sermon on condemnation and God drew me back to scripture.. He opened my eyes. You see what that verse .. that promise actually meant was that for those who have the Spirit of God dwelling in them, the peace of God surpassing all understanding, and the faith in His word ... the was no condemnation .. no feeling of guilt ... no feeling of unworthiness in them. You see they understood that nothing .. no man .. no creature .. nothing could separate them from the love of God and the difference between them and I was that they understood that.. they believed it .. and operated in that promise... and that was one less lie the devil could use to distract them ..

So my question for you is.. Do you believe that Jesus's death on the cross has granted you forgiveness and freedom from all sins ( past, present, and future)? Have you forgotten God's promise for those who are in Christ Jesus? Well talk to Him.. Let our father know how you feel and by holding on that promise you'll have faith... and not feel condemned. God is smiling on you :)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Loosing my cool.

Today ... Things got a little frustrating.I got into a quarrel on twitter and man I lost my cool. I needed to overcome the temptation of letting my pride get the best of me, but how do we overcome? Christ! It's was basically God saying... seek me!.. I've got you! But I failed to listen. It's almost like I've fallen off with seeking God in THESE situations. I like to handle them myself.. and I always end up in some type of mess when it's all said and done. You would think that would teach me.. You would think I'd wise up, that I'd edify myself and as cliche as it may sound, ask ... "WWJD?"yet so many times I fail to think of whom I desire to be like most and seek HIS counsel in these things. Reading and living out scripture edifies me. I can't forget that. With out my sword, I am left with no defense at these lies the devil throws at me. Jesus would never stoop to the devil's level. He never had worthless quarrels with his enemies.He challenged them with truth. Sometimes I forget that I'm not battling against flesh and blood. I must humble myself and fight like Christ did, with love. The Christ in me will work in them. God I thank you for not condemning me.. I will never fully grasp your amazing, unfailing love and I'm for ever grateful for it. I LOVE YOU! I pray this will be a blessing to others, because this revelation has been a blessing for me!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Playing it Safe

“The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing, and becomes nothing. He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply cannot learn and feel and change and grow and love and live.” - Leo F. Buscaglia

Too often as Christians we try to live this closed off life. We keep our beliefs to ourselves because we fear judgement. No one asks that we run aimlessly slamming bibles on people heads and judging ... but we are commissioned to tep out in faith and share the gift of life ... the source of the fountain we live from. It's time we go back for those in bondage... Our railroad musn't be underground .. God calls us to let our light shine.. We can no longer run from oppression because we are too scared to fight. Being a Christian should not be synonymous with living in fear.
God has called us to be bold.We are as gentle as sheep with the faces of lions. We should move in the confidence of the Christ that dwells in us... never forgetting humility.. remembering that Oppression can only survive through silence..Share God's word with someone everyday.. fb, twitter, a blog, a tumblr.. in person .. God allows for technology to advance .. and it's time we take it back and us it for HIS glorify... Join the movement.

Friday, June 18, 2010


I'm walking down a road with my hand lost in my father's.. Soetimes I don't have to look where i'm going because he is looking out for me. I feel strong and proteced in his presence.. I forget the cares of the world because I am wrapped in his LOVE. Sometimes I am scared to look around me.. scared to let go.. because I know without him I am nothing.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I am back!! ... I promise : )

It has definitely been a while! And boy do I have a lot to tell you. I've gone through sooo much in such a short amount of time! It will take a lot of story telling. I have a couple poems I would like to post as well and I figured since I am not friends with the world on here .. no one will read them and feel like I am being personal. But WOW, uhh like i posted prior to this I will be on a hair, body, and skin care journey! I am a growing women and it is time i find the natural secrets to pure beauty. I just want to be as healthy as possible inside and out! I know, that this includes working out but we will save that commitment for another post. Right now I am in Houston, at my cousin's house.. I am surrounded by nothing but BLUE people.. If you know what I mean! It's pretty cool though, Houston has been quite the trip. I have been able to accomplish everything I planned and I thank the Almighty God for that. Ah hah! How could I forget? My journey closer to my amazing Father in Heaven will also be something you can follow. This will be the last informative post .. The next will seem more like convos. Get ready to become my new best friend, I come with a lot of luggage. : )

Skin Care Journey

Okay, so I am on a quest to have my skin restored back to the beauty it was before. I am not saying I don't think I am beautiful because I would be lying.. I just think I need to get my skin back in shape lol. My previous statement was not at all conceited I am just REALLY confident in who I am. Any way, for those of you interested in my journey check out this clip.

    Its about about this girl who once had severe acne but is completely clear. I am so done using acne products because much like every other thing prescribed to us, we can never get completely healed by them. WHY?! Think .. if acne companies made cures you would only need to use their products once and be healed.. how would they make MONEY?! The answer is they wont! That's why these products are designed to keep you dependent  on them .. kind of like Slim-fast for those of you that are dieting. Sorry, but this is true. We have the resources to cure a lot of things in America today, but the greed of pharmaceutical companies will keep us addicted to their products for them to make